“Purpose” has become a buzzword in the business community in recent years, and for good reason. Purpose-driven companies have more engaged and motivated workforces, more satisfied customers and happier shareholders, which often translates into more revenue, more loyal customers and greater adaptability in overcoming obstacles to evolve and innovate.
For a business to be truly purpose-driven, however, every employee must be focused on the higher cause—and for leaders of fully remote companies, gaining this support in a virtual work environment can be a serious challenge. Here, 15 members of Forbes Communications Council share the best ways to communicate an organization’s purpose to a 100% distributed workforce and achieve buy-in at every level.
Forbes Communications Council members share ways to get remote employees to buy into the company's purpose.
1. Align Each Individual’s Purpose With The Organization’s
It’s not really about where you work, but more about how you work. If the organization’s purpose is limited to words on a wall, that is all it will ever be. It takes getting to know each team member’s individual purpose and aligning that purpose with that of the organization. Then, teams experience purpose naturally, their work matters and they become part of something bigger than themselves. - April Jones, Delivering Happiness
2. Diversify Communication Channels And Reinforce Your Message
To communicate your purpose, it’s important to diversify your communication channels and reinforce your message consistently. Every employee processes and consumes information differently, so consistent reiteration through different channels is essential. To get buy-in, leadership has to encourage and engage in two-way communication. Feedback is essential for getting long-term buy-in. - Lindsay Boyajian, Conductor
3. Use Multichannel Tools To Guarantee Employees See Comms
Being remote may change the delivery mechanisms, but it doesn’t change the impulse behind your communications. New multichannel communication tools now mean that you can schedule and deliver comms to the platforms where employees are, so you can guarantee delivery. If they don’t see it, they won’t be able to engage. Create a great message and ensure it gets delivered via email, intranet, mobile app and more. - Scott Hitchins, Interact Software
Increase the investments—of time, resources and energy—that go into making the intranet a true virtual home base for remote employees with interesting stories, relevant information and fun, engaging ways for them to interact with the company and their coworkers. Make them want to go to the intranet every morning, as opposed to going only when they have to. - Irene Froehlich, DrFirst, Inc.
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5. Back Up Claims Of Purpose With Something Tangible
People need to feel it. The comms team can only communicate purpose; they can’t create it. So the first step is to ensure that there is something tangible to back up your purpose claims. The second is to find innovative ways to get your employees to feel the purpose—through a mix of podcasts, emails, webcasts, screensavers, pop-ups, apps and more. Everyone engages differently, so you need multiple channels for purpose-led messaging. - Rosie Guest, Apex Group Ltd.
6. Tie Everything Back To Your Mission
Be clear on your mission and tie everything back to it. Mission drift is all too common, especially in remote or hybrid teams. Align all your team meetings, goals, marketing strategies and internal communications with your mission—the “why.” Be intentional with goal setting that shows every employee the impact they have on the mission and the bottom line, and then report on it regularly. - Holly Tate, Leadr
7. Actively Support Organizations With Similar Missions
Actively supporting organizations with similar missions ensures employees live the values that make your company strong. To keep employees rooted in action and engaged with our healthcare mission, we regularly share positive anecdotes about our work with external companies on our intranet and host town halls and events where employees participate in the cause to drive engagement and recognition. - Kristin Russel, symplr
8. Share Companywide Goals And Align Internal And Outbound Comms
It is very important to share the company’s mission and reason for existence along with solid goals that will inspire everyone on the team. A goal is not something to give to team members—rather, it is something everybody in the group works toward together. Outbound and internal communications must be aligned as well so that each member can understand and represent the company at any given time. - Hanna Park, bemyfriends
9. Double Down On Communicating The ‘Big Picture’
Double down on internally communicating the “big picture” within your organization. Where are you going, and why? In a remote world, this core message—and people’s ability to see themselves in the larger mission—seems easily lost. Connecting at the project or interpersonal level is a little easier, so senior and midlevel managers should look to frequently articulate the goals driving the company. - Michelle Stark, Red Sage Communications, Inc.
The CEO needs to buy into it first, own the initiative and constantly communicate the message in everything they do. Also, make sure the CEO is part of the team that develops the brand purpose and messaging. Whenever I am refreshing a brand or helping drive change in an organization, I work hard to ensure the CEO embraces my ideas. And everything else flows from there. - Parna Sarkar-Basu, Brand and Buzz Marketing, LLC.
11. Draft Different Messages To Persuade Different Personas
Clarity, right messaging and respect are three pillars of persuasion. Understand your team’s priorities and communicate with clarity. Provide helpful information, respect their position and insist on working toward the company’s vision. To ensure that all parties perceive the purpose correctly, you might need to draft different messages for different personas. - Ehsan Jahandarpour, FirstWave ASX:FCT
12. Align Your Purpose With Those Of The People Expected To Support It
Purposes must align with those of the people you are expecting to support them. The good news is that if you can manage to get your own people to support your causes, your consumers or clients will do it as well. Hence, your purpose-driven efforts will become a competitive advantage and another reason why customers buy from you. - Pablo Turletti, ROI Marketing Institute
13. Add A Personal Touch To Digital Conversations
In a fully remote world, it often seems as if it’s all business, nothing personal. However, if you want employees to buy into your company’s purpose no matter their level, it’s vital to make them feel like they’re a part of the company. Adding a personal touch to digital conversations makes employees feel as if the company cares about them, leading to more motivation to pursue the company’s purpose. - Asad Kausar, Dabaran
Whether it’s a feedback inbox that always welcomes new ideas or a virtual fireside chat with leadership each week, create a forum where your remote workforce can contribute and know their voice is heard. Purpose without intention is a hard combination to use for driving results, but purpose coupled with passion is what changes the world. - Melissa Kandel, little word studio
15. Bring Your Purpose Up During Hiring And Onboarding Stages
Hiring and onboarding can be great times to communicate your purpose as well as ensure that all new employees are aligned, regardless of their level and whether or not the team is remote. It’s important to bring in staff members who fit with your corporate values, and bringing this up early in the process can help you screen out those who do not. - Roshni Wijayasinha, Prosh Marketing