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A tank on display at the International Defence and Security Fair. / E.P.
In 2021 Spain exported defence materials worth 3.29 billion euros, down 9.1 per cent on the 3.62 billion euros the year before. Half of these exports went to EU and Nato countries, although millions of euros worth were bought by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Algeria.
The information is in a report on the export of defence and dual-use materials in 2021 which the Secretary of State for Trade has sent to parliament. All the exports were vetted by the Interministerial Board for Trade and Control of Defence and Dual Use Technologies Material (JIMDDU) and complied with international regulaions, said the report.
Most of Spain’s exports in this sector went to EU countries, particularly France (654.3 million euros), Germany (432.6 million) and the Netherlands (407.6 million), and consisted of products, equipment and technology within the existing cooperation programmes on defence.
But in addition, Spanish companies sold defence materials worth 109.1 million euros to Saudi Arabia, which is involved in the war in Yemen. These were mainly spare parts for Spanish-manufactured aircraft, equipment, technology, troop transport launches, mortar shells and 155mm artillery shells.
Spain also exported defence material to other countries in the region such as the United Arab Emirates, (73.7 million euros for a transport plane, spare parts, anti-limpet mine equipment, remote control systems for weapons and a 120 mm mortar), Qatar (2.4 million) and Kuwait (2.3 million euros of grenade launchers).
Some of the defence exports last year went to north Africa. Morocco bought 14.9 million euros worth of parts and replacement parts for Spanish-manufactured transport planes, mortars with accessories, spare parts and 91 transport vehicles, while Algeria purchased 7.2 million euros of parts and spare parts for transport planes, anti-mine protection for military vehicles and remote control systems for 12.7 mm weapons.