Still in the dark with my remote control | East Bernard Express |

2022-07-15 23:29:15 By : Ms. Marylyn Wang

Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph..

Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph.

I can remember thinking years ago that a television remote control needed to glow in the dark or light up or something.

If I was watching a movie and had the lights dimmed but needed to pause the movie for a snack run, I would fumble around and end up turning on a light so I could find the right button. Or if I was lying in bed about to go to sleep but wanted to turn down the volume or search for another show, I could never see what I was doing. I think I bought a universal remote once that glowed in the dark. You had to hit a button to make it glow and it didn’t glow bright enough. Again, it’s difficult to find the correct buttons in the dark.

After we upgraded to fiber optic internet at home, we were also able to upgrade to wireless boxes for our Dish satellite system. One joey can operate multiple TVs using wireless internet technology, or something along those lines.

But what I was most excited about were the new remote controls. They light up! You pick up the remote and the buttons all light up. Or you can touch any button and they light up. Why did it take them so long to come up with this incredibly handy feature?

Unfortunately my eyes are much older now and even with the light up remote control, without my cheaters I can’t see the buttons. I have figured out which button controls the volume or lets me scroll through the channels.

But if I want to search for something on Netflix or punch in a certain channel, I can’t see to do that. Even with the lighted control, which also does not stay lit up long enough.

I need an oversized remote that lights up with great big numbers. Then maybe I could lay on the couch in a darkened room and decide what I wanted to watch. Without fumbling to turn on a light or stretch out my arms long enough to read the numbers. Or worse yet hit a button that reboots my entire satellite system and everything goes dark.

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